General Research Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Computational method works backwards from observations to track down river polluters
General Research Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Scientists identify potential deep-ocean greenhouse gas storage solution
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Q&A: Can nanotechnology help solve climate change?
General Research Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World New research reveals how large-scale adoption of electric vehicles can improve air quality and human health
General Research Smart AI Platform [SAIP] Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World AI-trained CCTV in rivers can spot blockages and reduce floods
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Machine learning could improve extreme weather warnings
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Novel algorithms detect precursory scale increase to help forecast big quakes
General Research Novel Technology Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] A low-cost method to reduce pollution from hydrogen engines
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Smart new laser technology can monitor greenhouse gases faster, more sensitively
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World New features in the open-source toolkit for earthquake forecast development and evaluation