General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Research shows adding polymerized ionic liquid improves performance of perovskite solar cells
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Model shows green concrete can recycle twice the coal ash as current standards
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Developing carbon-capture batteries to store renewable energy, help climate
General Research Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Scientists Supercharge Photosynthesis To Develop “Carbon Gobbling” Super Plants
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Investigating the origins of critical deformations in Li-ion batteries
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Q&A: Climate change solution can carry environmental costs
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] First transatlantic sustainable aviation fuel flight saved 95 metric tons of CO₂, results show
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Making batteries takes lots of lithium: Almost half of it could come from Pennsylvania wastewater
Discovery General Research Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] A weaker magnetic field may have paved the way for marine life to go big
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Is the future of carbon-capture technology electrochemistry?