General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Redefining wealth and embracing technological innovation for a more sustainable future
General Research Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World A first step towards integrating marine plastics into urban recycling
General Research Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Researchers construct a model to find out how to make waste incineration more environmentally friendly
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Australia’s Earth system model revamped for a clearer view of past and future climate
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Satellite observations show changing rainfall patterns impact crops and forests
General Research IoT Platform Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Protecting Our Forests with Smart IoT Solutions
General Research IoT Platform Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Enhancing Flood Management with Coastal Ecosystems and IoT
General Research Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Baking in building details improves urban heat risk models
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Scientists urge to resist reliance on “bathtub modeling” of flood risk
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Plans to stabilize Earth’s climate rely on emerging carbon removal technology—we need to get moving, say researchers