General Research Novel Technology Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Scientists create stable materials for more efficient solar cells
General Research Novel Technology Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World A tool to speed development of new solar cells
General Research Novel Technology Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Solar-driven hydrogen production from water splitting
General Research Novel Technology Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Are microgrids a key to grid resiliency?
General Research Novel Technology Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Newly developed compound may enable sustainable, cost-effective, large-scale energy storage
General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Climate Management Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Industry must prepare now for a new world of green electricity
General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Climate Management Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Wind and solar could power the world’s major countries most of the time
General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Scientists develop technology for sustainable next-generation batteries
General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World An interactive map for solar panel deployment across the US
General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Climate Management Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Fully renewable energy feasible for Samoa