General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Report finds EU wind and solar capacity up nearly two-thirds since 2019
General Research Smart Agriculture Platform [SAGP] Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] New deal with Scottish farmers will see farmland used for solar installations
Computer Science General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Research suggests using neural networks to harness wind and solar power
General Research Novel Technology Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] New method makes hydrogen from solar power and agricultural waste
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] ‘Gray infrastructure’ can’t meet future water storage needs, study finds
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Researchers develop new perovskite solar cells that set efficiency record
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] New power cables in Europe to make energy cheaper and more sustainable
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Microgrids could help solve challenges of renewable energy