General Research Novel Technology Smart AI Platform [SAIP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Optical music recognition with convolutional neural network
Computer Science General Research Novel Technology Smart Climate Management Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] An insect-computer hybrid system for search operations in disasters
General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] A novel approach to wirelessly power wearable devices
General Research Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Wireless broadband connectivity enhanced by a new communication design
General Research Novel Technology Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Engineers harvest Wi-Fi signals to power small electronics
General Research Novel Technology Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Laser communications: Empowering more data than ever before
General Research Novel Technology Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Study identifies a universal property for efficient communication
General Research Optimization Realtime/Online Optimization Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] 3 ways real-time control can make cities more sustainable
General Research IoT Platform Smart Cloud Platform [SCLP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Edge computing applications for equipment designers