General Research Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] A wireless system based on large-area electronics operating at gigahertz frequencies
General Research Novel Technology Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Building a template for the future 6G network
General Research Novel Technology Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Using optical beaming to power a portable 5G base station
Aerospace General Research Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] SpaceX satellite signals used like GPS to pinpoint location on Earth
Computer Science General Research Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Bending light for cheaper Internet
General Research Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] New technology could bring the fastest version of 5G to your home and workplace
General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World New type of wireless charger can charge multiple devices simultaneously
Discovery General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Smart Industry Platform [SINP] Smart-World Industry 5.0 an ‘Industrial Evolution’ Instead of Revolution
Aerospace General Research Smart AI Platform [SAIP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] An overview of protected satellite communications in the intelligent age
General Research Novel Technology Smart AI Platform [SAIP] Smart Communication Platform [SCOP] Optical music recognition with convolutional neural network