General Research Novel Technology Physics New study uses self-interacting dark matter to solve the final parsec problem
Discovery General Research Physics Discovery sheds light on the origins of matter in the early universe
General Research Physics Quantum Solving Quantum Mysteries: Physicists Confirm Entropy Rule for Entanglement
General Research Physics Quantum New Quantum “Tornado” Experiments Challenge Our Understanding of Black Holes
General Research Physics Quantum Physicists Rewrite Quantum Rules – New Theories Could Revolutionize Materials Science
General Research Physics Nonreciprocal Interactions Go Nonlinear: How Nanoparticles Are Changing the Rules of Physics
General Research Physics Machine learning method uses nonlinear optics and structured light to expand information network accuracy and capacity
General Research Physics A swinging showerhead leads to discovery of a new mode of vibration in nature
General Research Novel Technology Physics New self-powered electrostatic tweezer enhances object manipulation and microfluidics
General Research Novel Technology Physics Smart Digital Platform [SDIP] Smart-World New method for 3D quantitative phase imaging eliminates need for digital phase recovery algorithms