General Research Physics Direct measurement of a subtle current phase relation shows potential for more stable superconducting qubits
General Research Physics Harnessing magnetic relaxation: ‘Pac-Man effect’ enables precise organization of superparamagnetic beads
General Research Physics Logic with light: Introducing diffraction casting, optical-based parallel computing
General Research Novel Technology Physics A new tool for faster, more in-depth analysis of nuclear properties and mass data
General Research Physics Quantum Quantum researchers come up with a recipe that could accelerate drug development
General Research Novel Technology Physics Engineers create a chip-based tractor beam for biological particles
General Research Physics Physicists achieve strong coupling of Andreev qubits via microwave resonator
General Research Physics Smart AI Platform [SAIP] Hexagonal magnetic defects could lead to energy-efficient neuromorphic computing
General Research Novel Technology Physics Researchers introduce diffraction casting, optical-based parallel computing