General Research Physics Quantum Researchers use laser beams to pioneer new quantum computing breakthrough
General Research Physics Quantum Physicists propose new approach that could unlock barriers to global scale quantum network
General Research Physics Quantum Researchers uncover link between quantum information theory and particle and condensed matter physics
General Research Physics Quantum An unexpected delay in a standard quantum optical process generates pairs of photons
General Research Physics Higher-density storage technique could allow diamond disk to store equivalent of 2,000 Blu-ray discs
General Research Novel Technology Physics Quantum Scientists Crack Quantum Computing Complexity With Revolutionary Hybrid Design
General Research Physics Why did Louis de Broglie, Nobel laureate in physics, abandon his own pilot wave theory?
General Research Physics Astrophysicists find evidence that Alfvén waves lead to heat generation in the magnetosphere
General Research Physics Tiny rotating particles create vorticity in viscous fluids, yielding fascinating new behaviors