General Research Novel Technology Frontier Supercomputer Surges to 1.35 Exaflops, To Tackle the “Biggest Science Problems on the Planet”
General Research Novel Technology Smart Agriculture Platform [SAGP] Smart-World Smart agriculture technology attaches directly to underside of leaves for monitoring plants
General Research Novel Technology Microwave-induced pyrolysis: A promising solution for recycling electric cables
General Research Novel Technology Quantum Quantum Computing Could Make Self-Driving Cars More Efficient Than Ever
General Research Novel Technology Ion Superhighways: The Nanotech Breakthrough Powering Tomorrow’s Tech
Aerospace General Research Novel Technology Inside NASA’s High-Tech World: How Supercomputing Is Unlocking the Universe
General Research Novel Technology Smart Agriculture Platform [SAGP] Smart-World New powerful technology reverses insecticide resistance in pests
General Research Novel Technology Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Using camp stoves to power electronics in the wilderness