Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Scientists discover phenomenon impacting Earth’s radiation belts
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Ocean Salinity Affects Earth’s Climate. How About on Exoplanets?
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Scientists discovered a phenomenon that impacts Earth’s radiation belts
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Scientists pinpoint dino-killing asteroid’s origin: past Jupiter
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Tracking a newly discovered hypervelocity star spotted by citizen scientists
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Research team releases a 76 m-per-pixel global color image dataset and map of Mars
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Dark Energy Camera probes the Coma Cluster, an inspiration for the theory of dark matter
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Astronomers identify more than one thousand new star cluster candidates
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Astronomers find galaxies in denser environments are as much as 25% larger than those in less dense regions
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Scientist performs the first nonlinear study of black hole mimickers