By SAYD RK May 14, 2024

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The scope of security has changed with the advent of technology. There was a time when a couple of guards standing outside the building room would have sufficed. But in today’s time, we all know that a 16-year-old kid hacker with a laptop and wifi is more dangerous and can do more damage than a six-foot-four marine. Hence, modern times call for modern security measures. 

In the pretext of the above-mentioned idea, we are seeing artificial intelligence playing a crucial role in offering a robust security mechanism. Let’s take the example of security camera systems for instance. Artificial intelligence is playing an important role in providing face recognition technology that can help identify and verify numerous people in a matter of minutes. 

The best thing about this technology is that it can identify people who are considered dangerous or suspicious. Moreover, monitoring large groups of crowds is very difficult for human beings. So using AI can help identify potential threats. Most importantly, kids who get lost in malls or large places could be identified with the help of face detection systems. 

Now that we have discussed a basic use case of AI in facial recognition, it is imperative to understand what AI facial recognition is.

Understanding AI Facial Recognition

AI facial recognition is a type of biometric identification that uses AI algorithms to seek people by their facial features. Hence, the utility of this technology is quite vast.

The Working of AI Facial Recognition Technology

AI for security camera systems is becoming more commonplace, with AI-powered systems being used for everything from tagging friends in photos to unlocking phones and breaking into homes. So how does this technology work? 

This information is used to train the system to recognize each person’s unique patterns and characteristics. Once the face recognition system is trained, it can be used to identify faces in photos and videos, even if they are vague or poorly defined. If a match is found, the system sends a notification. By recognizing some important features of a person’s face, such as the position of the eyes, nose, and mouth, even a hidden or shadowed part of the face can be matched.

From security and law enforcement to business and customer service. Businesses and individuals need to understand these technologies and how they are used. We know that security cameras use artificial intelligence to perform facial recognition. On the other hand, it is also used to detect suspicious behavior. 

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