Computer Science General Research Smart Digital Platform [SDIP] A method to generate predictor circuits for the classification of tabular data
General Research Smart Business Platform [SBUP] S. Korea president announces record $19 bn plan to boost chip industry
General Research Optimization Smart Transportation Platform [STSP] Using smart devices to schedule on-demand public transportation can save time and money
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Iron could be key to less expensive greener lithium-ion batteries, research finds
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] New crushing method saves water and energy in mines and produces better raw materials for batteries
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Researchers strive to make ‘clean fuels’ a reality through the production of electrofuels
General Research Novel Technology Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] New technology keeps food refrigerated with phase change materials, reduces carbon emissions by 30%
General Research Smart AI Platform [SAIP] AI headphones let wearer listen to a single person in a crowd by looking at them just once