General Research Physics A human topological insulator: Researchers use choreographed dance to explain quantum materials
General Research Physics Scientists use high-energy heavy ion collisions as a new tool to reveal subtleties of nuclear structure
General Research Physics Experiment reveals how Earth’s magnetic field influences flow in planet’s core
General Research Smart Transportation Platform [STSP] Smart-World Transforming electric bus depots into profitable energy hubs
General Research Smart Energy Platform [SEGP] Smart-World Researchers use wood to capture body heat for energy generation
General Research Novel Technology Smart AI Platform [SAIP] Smart-World World’s first large-area semiconductor fabrication with TMDc
General Research IoT Platform Smart Digital Platform [SDIP] Smart-World IoT Device Management: Process, Features, and Benefits
General Research Optimization Smart AI Platform [SAIP] Smart-World Aquatic robot’s self-learning optimization enhances underwater object manipulation skills