Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research Was There Water on Mars? Scientists Believe They’ve Found Evidence”
General Research Physics New ion speed record holds potential for faster battery charging and biosensing
General Research Physics Light-matter interaction reveals new paradigm of quantum information technology
General Research Smart AI Platform [SAIP] Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World AI can be used to predict river discharge and warn of potential flooding, new study shows
General Research Smart Climate Management Smart Environmental Platform [SENP] Smart-World Improving hurricane modeling with physics-informed machine learning
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research New study reveals possible origins of dark matter in ‘Dark Big Bang’ scenario
Cosmos/Universe Discovery General Research First pairs of white dwarf–main sequence binaries discovered in clusters shine new light on stellar evolution
General Research Physics Physicists use sliding seeds to better understand landslides and rock avalanches
General Research Physics Quantum Experiment suggests quantum computers can coordinate actions of moving devices