Swathi Kashettar Published on: 24 Jun 2024, 12:00 pm

Collected at: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/cryptocurrency-analytics-insight/building-quantum-safe-systems-with-crypto-agility

Quantum computing, in an age of fast-evolving cybersecurity, offers an extraordinary leap in computational power but also brings tremendous threat to modern cryptographic systems. This again is why the need arises for quantum-safe systems development. Also, crypto-agility stands as one of the pillars on which the modern strategies in cybersecurity is being based.

Crypto-agility is the ability of an entity to respond quickly and adapt to changes in the cryptographic infrastructure in the face of new threats, technological advancement, or even vulnerabilities. On this basis, one has to explain in greater detail the notion of building quantum-safe systems with crypto-agility and why it is going to be paramount in securely shifting into the quantum era.

Understanding Crypto-Agility

Crypto-agility is viewed as the ability of a system to change cryptographic algorithms with very minimal functionality impacts. It can be regarded as a design philosophy that enforces flexibility and adaptability in view of evolving threats. Thus, the major aspects connected with the crypto-agility system would include:

Independent design of all cryptographic elements under the system; this eases replacement when required. This makes replacing algorithms much easier when necessary.

Algorithm Independence: There are well-defined APIs used to interface with cryptographic functions at an application level and not algorithms. This makes it possible to shift from one algorithm to another with quite minimal changes in code.

Standards Compliance: Crypt-agile systems comply with the defined cryptographic standard and good practice; this enables interoperability and gives a seamless migration path. It has built-in active monitoring in the system for cryptographic vulnerabilities, with processing to install new algorithms whenever it is necessary.

Benefits of Crypto-Agility

Crypto-agility can provide a number of benefits when building a crypto-agile system, including:

Future Proofing: An organization wants to ensure the long-term security of their systems in case quantum computers break them.

Reduced Risk: Considering the dynamics signaled by new threats, crypto-agile systems can reduce the risk of data breach or compromise by quick adaptations.

Highest Flexibility: Crypto-agile systems make it easier to integrate newer cryptographic developments as and when available.

Improved Security Posture: Crypto-agility embedded in the development process enhances proactive behavior toward security in general.

Implementing Crypto-Agility in Practice
Well, how do we really develop crypto-agile systems? The major steps to consider are as follows:

Inventory and Assessment– This is where the identification of all cryptographic algorithms in use within a system takes place. These algorithms include encryption, decryption, digital signatures, and key management. After identification, assess the possible vulnerability of each algorithm to quantum computing attacks.

Quantum-safe algorithm selection–  Several very promising PQC algorithms are being developed, which are considered resistant to an attack by a quantum computer, among which is lattice-based cryptography and code-based cryptography.

The organizations have to be aware of the progressing standardization process for these algorithms and choose appropriate PQC algorithms that would best fit security needs and system performance requirements.

In modular design and refactoring, refactoring of the cryptographic component in the system into independent modules with clear and well-defined interfaces is done. This, in turn, could make the possible future modification of individual algorithms with PQC alternatives and their easy integration more feasible.

Here, crypto-agility would excel because modular design allows new algorithms to fit seamlessly into this consideration.

Standard the system’s cryptographic APIs- That is important because it makes an application dependent on the functionality provided by the API and not on the algorithm itself. This is very critical to crypto-agility, for this keeps applications functional while rolling out switches to the underlying algorithms.

Mechanisms for Continual Monitoring and Updating– Establish a framework for monitoring cryptographic vulnerabilities and any progress related to PQC standardization. Develop mechanisms for the deployment of updates and migration to new algorithms without disturbance of the functionality of the system. This is easily facilitated by crypto-agile systems.

Challenges and Considerations

Though crypto-agility definitely provides a very compelling solution, there are some challenges to consider:

Performance Overhead: A few PQC algorithms will be computationally intensive compared to traditional algorithms. Careful selection and optimization are necessary to minimize the performance impact. While designing crypto-agility implementation, balance between security and performance should be considered.

Standardization and Maturity: PQC algorithms have not yet been standardized. It means that any organization will have to be well informed and responsive in strategy to the evolving standards landscape. Crypto-agility enables this adaptability, ensuring that a system uses the latest developments related to PQC.

Interoperability: The goal of seamless interoperability with possibly non-crypto-agile systems is challenging. Industry-wide standard approaches and collaboration are required in this respect. Crypto-agility can, in this respect, help drive common standards that make communication and exchange easier between agile and even non-agile systems.

The Way Forward: Collaboration and Incremental Improvements

It will only be a team sport that will build this quantum-safe future. There exist key areas for collaboration:

Standardization Bodies: Industry stakeholders continue strong collaboration, with organizations like NIST, toward timely selection and adoption of robust PQC algorithms.

Open-Source Initiatives: The open-source development of crypto-agile libraries and tools contributes to increasing innovation by making secure coding practices easier to use in general.

Security awareness and education: Emphasize amongst developers, system administrators, and end-users the importance of crypto-agility and the dynamic threat landscape to ensure this technology diffuses.


Designing quantum-safe systems that deliver crypto-agility becomes the appropriate task for any organization that is concerned about the protection of its data from quantum threats. A robust framework on cryptographic agility, massive adoption through quantum-safe cryptography, and effective governance and automation will help an organization safeguard its digital assets and ensure trust in a quantum-enabled world.

In other words, crypto-agility is not some buzzword but is based on an utterly different understanding of how proper cybersecurity should be maintained in such quantum times. It is an initiative of proactive application of cryptographic management that would confirm the ability of organizations to adapt with agility and confidence to the quantum threat.


1. What does crypto-agility mean?

Crypto-agility may be defined as the capability of a system to evolve its mechanisms and algorithms of cryptography efficiently in lieu of the new threat, advancement in technology, or vulnerabilities. It’s quite an essential attribute when considering the quantum computing era.

2. Why crypto-agility in quantum-safe systems?

In view of the coming into being of quantum computing, crypto-agility ensures that an organization is better placed in terms of migration to quantum-resistant algorithms that are at variance with the quantum attack.

3. What are Quantum-Safe Cryptographic Systems?

Systems that use and deploy algorithms that can withstand or have resistance to the computational powers of Quantum Computers, ensuring that the encrypted data is safe considering the quantum decryption capabilities.

4. How does an organization achieve crypto-agility?

The adaptation of cryptographic architecture, automation and governance enables crypto-agility. This shall include where cryptography is fielded, having multiple algorithm implementations and the formation of polices for cryptographic change management.

5. What are some of the obstacles to becoming crypto-agile?

The biggest challenges are that updating cryptographic systems can be complicated, requires highly specialized human resources, and transition costs to quantum-safe algorithms are not low.

6. When should the work on crypto-agility start for an organization?

Given that the publication date of post-quantum cryptographic standards is nearing, work in any organization directed towards crypto-agility should start without any further delay to get prepared for quantum-safe migration.

7. What is the role of governance about crypto-agility?

Governance is required in holding crypto-agility through the setting of cryptographic change policies and procedures, periodic audits, and controls on adherence to security standards.

8. Can automation help a lot in attaining crypto-agility?

Yes, it can. Automation would greatly help any organization in fast location and updating of cryptographic elements. This reduces the chance of human error and allows the response against new threats to be faster.

9. What does Quantum-Safe Readiness stand for?

It is the state of preparedness against security threats quantum computing poses to an organization. This means a condition beyond which the systems possess resistance against any quantum attack and adaptability with new cryptography standards is possible.

10. What best practices should any organization targeted towards crypto-agility adhere to?

The best practice that organizations would follow for crypto-agility would be the setup of the framework by the architecture, automation, and governance; knowledge of the cryptographic landscape; and preparedness for transition to quantum-safe cryptography.

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